On Tuesday, July 29th, Chris Langdon and Derek Manzello identified a spot near Enrique Island for the MAP-CO2 Buoy. The next day, Dwight Gledhill determined the best spot at:
17 deg 57.224 N
67 deg 03.066 W
Jules Craynock and Jim Hendee joined them to take measurements and inspect the site for proper location of anchors for the buoy. Leg A (deep side) is 120 degrees and 14 meters in length from the center point (lat/long, above), with an endpoint at 37 feet depth, in sand; while Leg B (shallow side) is 300 degrees from center point, 18 meters in length, with an endpoint at 16 feet depth, also in sand.
A possible alternate site was chosen near the ICON/CREWS station (see blog entry immediately preceeding).
Shown in picture are Jules Craynock (left) and Jim Hendee. Photo (click to enlarge) by Derek Manzello.